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One day, while walking along the Waikiki boardwalk, I got an idea for a television show. I could interview guests about what love meant to them and start an entirely new idea from my inner questioning. I was elated when my friend was just as excited as I was about the show’s premise. She even helped me get certified with the camera and then produced a program focused on love that was all my own.

It’s All About Love aired one hundred eighteen segments monthly over nine years before I chose to retire the program. Through television, I became re-enlivened about finishing my book. The story was no longer just about me, but it now included others that were working in their lives to make love visible as well.

The book had gone through several stages. I worked with a colleague who helped gather my thoughts, then I worked with my editing and writing coach, Patrick Snow, who helped me revise my manuscript. After thirteen years of work and fifty-plus stories shared by people around the globe, I took a break.

Here is what people are saying about “The Benefit of the Ex”

“We were born to swim in love, drink in love, laugh and play in love. Love is the current and currency of the universe. June Dillinger explains how in times of stress and loss—like ex, for example—love is the answer. It’s love that heals our wounds, eliminates needless suffering, and gives us the happiness we need and want. June will guide you beautifully in that process.”
Greg Baer
Author Real Love

Click HERE to order your copy of The Benefit of the “Ex”, Making Love Visible When Everything Changes for just .99 cents during the pre-launch period.

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Sneak Peek #1

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